10 Common Toilet Problems And How To Fix Them

Did you know that the average person will spend 3 years of their life on the toilet? That’s a lot of time! And, unfortunately, a lot of that time can be spent dealing with common toilet problems. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 of the most common issues and how to fix them. So whether your toilet is overflowing, clogged, or just doesn’t seem to be working right, we have you covered!

10 Common Toilet Problems

Overflowing Toilet

If your toilet is overflowing, the first thing you need to do is turn off the water. The easiest way to do this is to find the valve behind the toilet and turn it clockwise until it stops. Once the water is turned off, you can begin to clean up the mess. If there is a lot of water, you may need to use a wet vacuum or mop it up with towels.

If your toilet continues to overflow after the water is turned off, there may be an issue with the float. The float is what tells the tank when to stop filling up with water. If it is stuck in the “up” position, it will prevent the water from shutting off. To fix this, simply adjust the float so that it moves freely.

If you’re still having problems, there could be an issue with the fill valve itself. In this case, you’ll need to replace the entire valve. This is a relatively easy repair that you can do yourself, but if you’re not comfortable doing it, you can always call a plumber.

Clogged Toilet

Clogged toilets are one of the most common problems you can encounter. And, unfortunately, it’s also one of the most unpleasant. Older toilets may have a build-up of mineral deposits. This can cause the toilet to become clogged or slow to flush. To fix this problem, you will need to remove the mineral deposits. This can be done by using a toilet brush and some white vinegar. There are also a few things you can do to fix it!

The first thing you need to do is identify what’s causing the clog. If it’s something like toilet paper or waste, you may be able to simply flush it away. However, if the clog is caused by something more substantial, like a toy or piece of jewelry, you’ll need to remove it manually. The best way to do this is with a plunger. Just make sure that you have a good seal before you start plunging!

If the plunger doesn’t seem to be working, you may need to try a toilet auger. This is a tool that is specifically designed for unclogging toilets. Just insert it into the bowl and start twisting!

If neither of these methods works, you’ll probably need to call a plumber. They have special tools that can clear just about anything out of your drain!

Running Toilet

A running toilet can be a real pain. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to fix it. The first thing you need to check is the flapper. The flapper is the rubber seal that covers the hole at the bottom of the tank. If it’s not sealing properly, water will leak out and your toilet will keep running. To fix this, simply adjust the chain so that the flapper seals tightly against the hole.

If adjusting the chain doesn’t seem to be working, you may need to replace the flapper entirely. This is a relatively easy repair that you should be able to do yourself. Just make sure you get the right size flapper for your toilet!

Weak Flush

If your toilet doesn’t seem to be flushing properly, there are a few things that could be causing the problem. First, check to see if the water level in the tank is too low. If it is, simply adjust the float until the water reaches the correct level.

Another possible cause of a weak flush is a clog in the pipes. Toilet flushes can also be weakened by mineral deposits. This can usually be fixed by plunging or augering the toilet. However, if neither of these methods works, you may need to call a plumber.

Bubbling Toilet

If your toilet starts making strange bubbling noises, it’s probably because there is a clog in the vent stack. The vent stack is the pipe that carries air out of the sewer system. When it becomes clogged, air can’t escape and bubbles form in the toilet.

The best way to fix this problem is to call a plumber. They will be able to clear the clog and get your vent stack working properly again. If you want to do it on your own, you can try using a plunger or an auger. But, be warned, this is a fairly difficult repair and it’s probably best to leave it to the professionals!

Leaky Toilet

A leaky toilet can be a real pain. Not only is it annoying, but it can also waste a lot of water. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to fix it. First, check to see if the tank is leaking. If it is, you’ll need to replace the flapper or the entire flush valve assembly. This is a relatively easy repair that you should be able to do yourself. Just make sure you get the right parts for your toilet!

If the tank isn’t leaking, the problem is probably with the bowl. In this case, you’ll need to call a plumber to have them take a look at it. They may need to replace the wax ring or the entire bowl.

Noisy Toilet

If your toilet is making strange noises, there are a few things that could be causing the problem. First, check to see if the water level in the tank is too low. If it is, simply adjust the float until the water reaches the correct level. Another possible cause of the noise is a loose-fill valve. This can usually be fixed by tightening the nut that holds it in place. However, if this doesn’t work, you may need to replace the entire fill valve assembly.

The whistling sound that some toilets make is usually caused by a bad vent pipe. To fix this, you’ll need to call a plumber to have them take a look at it. They may need to replace the vent pipe or the entire toilet. Finally, if your toilet is still noisy after trying these things, you may need to call a plumber. They will be able to diagnose and fix the problem for you.

Loose Toilet

A loose toilet can damage your floor if it isn’t fixed. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to fix it. First, check to see if the bolts that hold the toilet in place are loose. If they are, simply tighten them with a wrench.

Another possible cause of a loose toilet is a broken flange. The flange is the piece of metal that connects the toilet to the sewer pipe. If it’s broken, you’ll need to call a plumber to have them replace it for you.

Loosed Flush Handle

If your toilet’s flush handle is loose, there’s a good chance that the nut that holds it in place is loose. To fix this, simply tighten the nut with a wrench.

Check the lift chain as well. If it’s too loose, the handle will be loose. To fix this, simply adjust the length of the chain. If the nut is tight but the handle is still loose, you may need to replace the entire flush valve assembly. This is a relatively easy repair that you should be able to do yourself. Just make sure you get the right parts for your toilet!

Cracked Toilet Bowl

A cracked toilet bowl can be a real pain. Not only is it unsightly, but it can also lead to leaks. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to fix it. First, try to repair the crack with epoxy or another type of resin. This will work for small cracks, but it may not hold up over time.

For bigger cracks, you’ll need to replace the entire bowl. This is a relatively easy repair that you should be able to do yourself. Just make sure you get the right size bowl for your toilet!

Common Toilet Maintenance Problems

Toilets are one of the most important fixtures in our homes, yet they are often one of the most neglected. Don’t wait until there is a problem to start taking care of your toilet. By performing some simple maintenance tasks on a regular basis, you can avoid many common toilet problems.

Clean your toilet regularly.

You should clean your toilet bowl at least once a week, and the rest of the toilet (including the tank) at least once a month.

Use a toilet brush to scrub the bowl, and be sure to get under the rim. You can use a disinfectant cleaner or white vinegar to clean the bowl. Just be sure not to use anything that could damage the finish on your toilet.

To clean the tank, simply flush the toilet and then wipe it down with a cloth soaked in white vinegar or disinfectant cleaner.

Check for leaks.

Water and money may be wasted greatly by a leaking toilet. Put a few drops of food coloring in the tank to test for leaks; after waiting 30 minutes, look to see whether any color has spilled into the bowl. If so, the flapper or flush valve assembly has to be replaced.

Be sure to also check the supply line that connects the water supply to your toilet. If it is leaking, you can usually fix it by simply tightening the connection with a wrench. If that doesn’t work, you may need to replace the entire supply line.

Inspect the flapper and flush valve assembly.

The flapper is a rubber seal that covers the hole at the bottom of the tank. Over time, it can become brittle and cracked, which can cause leaks. The flush valve assembly is what actually allows water to flow from the tank to the bowl when you flush the toilet.

You should inspect both of these components every few months to see if they need to be replaced. If either of them is damaged, simply head to your local hardware store and pick up a replacement. They are usually very inexpensive and easy to install.

Adjust the water level.

If your toilet is constantly running or leaking, it may be because the water level in the tank is too high. To adjust it, simply turn the knob on the fill valve until the water level is where you want it to be.

Clean the drain line.

Toilet drains can get clogged with all sorts of things, from hair to toilet paper. To clean it, simply remove the U-shaped trap and then use a plunger or snake to clear the line. Be sure to put the trap back on before flushing the toilet!

Replace the wax ring.

The wax ring is a seal that goes between the bottom of the toilet and the drain pipe. Over time, it can become hardened or cracked, which can cause leaks. If you think your wax ring needs to be replaced, simply unscrew the bolts that hold the toilet to the floor and then lift it up. You should be able to see the wax ring at this point.

To replace it, simply remove the old ring and then put a new one in its place. Be sure to use a plumber’s putty or another type of sealant to get a good seal. Once you’ve done that, simply screw the toilet back down to the floor and flush it a few times to test for leaks.

Clean the trapway.

The trapway is the curved pipe that connects the bowl to the drain. It can become clogged with all sorts of things, from hair to toilet paper. To clean it, simply remove the U-shaped trap and then use a plunger or snake to clear the line. Be sure to put the trap back on before flushing the toilet!

Adjust the float.

The float is a small buoy that sits in the tank and controls the water level. If it is set too low, the toilet will constantly run. If it is set too high, the tank may overflow when you flush the toilet. To adjust it, simply turn the screw on the side of the tank until the water level is where you want it to be.

Clean the rim holes.

The rim holes are the small holes around the edge of the bowl that allow water to flow from the tank to the bowl. Over time, they can become clogged with mineral deposits or other debris. To clean them, simply use a toothpick or other small object to clear the holes.

Call a plumber.

If you’ve tried all of these things and your toilet is still not working properly, it’s time to call a plumber. They will be able to diagnose the problem and fix it quickly. In most cases, a professional plumber like plumber San Fernando will be able to fix any toilet problem that you’re having.

Where Can I Buy the Types of Equipment to Fix Them on My Own?

There are a few places you can buy the types of equipment to fix common toilet problems. You can try your local hardware store or home improvement store. You can also find many online retailers that sell these items. Make sure you read the reviews before purchasing anything!

You might be able to find some of the things you need to fix your toilet at a local dollar store. This is a great option if you’re on a budget! Just make sure you know what you’re doing before attempting any repairs.

When in doubt, it’s always best to call a plumber for your toilet installation. They will be able to diagnose and fix the problem for you. They may even be able to do it for free if it’s something simple!

Hiring a Professional Plumber

If you’re not comfortable fixing these problems yourself, hire toilet repair professionals! They will be able to take care of the problem quickly and efficiently. In most cases, they will even be able to do it for free if it’s something simple. Here at Mike Stern Plumbing in plumber Granada Hills, we are always happy to help our customers!

We understand that not everyone is a do-it-yourselfer. And that’s okay! That’s why we’re here to help. So please, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Mike Stern Plumbing would love to help you get your toilet fixed and working properly again!

In conclusion, if you are encountering any of these problems, it’s probably best to fix them as soon as possible. Some of these problems can waste water or cause leaks. Others can be a real pain to use. So take care of them as soon as you can!

Older toilets compared to modern toilets use much more water per flush. If you have an old toilet, it might be time for an upgrade! Newer toilets use less water and are more effective at flushing. They also come in a variety of colors and styles to match your bathroom decor!